@book{ 0-1532976429, title = {Clara Rockmore's lost theremin album}, author = {Kreisler, Fritz and Mattheson, Johann and Dvořák, Antonín and Fuleihan, Anis and Schubert, Franz and Chopin, Frédéric and Cassadó, Gaspar and Bach, Johann Sebastian and Villa-Lobos, Heitor and Heuberger, Richard and Ravel, Maurice and Gershwin, George and Robinson, Avery and Ponce, Manuel M. and Guy, Louis and Rockmore, Clara and Reisenberg, Nadia}, editor = {Rockmore, Clara}, editor = {Reisenberg, Nadia}, address = {New Rochelle, NY}, publisher = {Bridge Records, Inc.}, address = {}, publisher = {}, year = {2006}, language = {No linguistic content}, url = {https://katalog.adlr.link/Record/0-1532976429} }