@book{ 0-1553400313, title = {Bologna 1666}, author = {Torelli, Giuseppe and Schröder, Julia and Colonna, Giovanni Paolo and Alberti, Giuseppe Matteo and Zavateri, Lorenzo Gaetano and Perti, Giacomo Antonio and Laurenti, Girolamo Nicolò}, editor = {Schröder, Julia}, editor = {Schröder, Julia}, address = {Gütersloh}, publisher = {Deutsche Harmonia Mundi}, address = {}, publisher = {}, year = {2017}, language = {No linguistic content}, note = {"A Co-production with Radio SRF 2 Kultur"}, note = {Texte im Beiheft in englischer und deutscher Sprache}, url = {https://katalog.adlr.link/Record/0-1553400313} }