@book{ 0-1788413083, title = {"Stumme Seufzer, stille Klagen": zum Gedenken an die Zerstörung Dresdens am 13. Februar 1945 = "Mute sighs, silent laments" : in memory of the destruction of Dresden on February 13, 1945}, series = {Edition Staatskapelle Dresden}, author = {Bach, Johann Sebastian and Verdi, Giuseppe and Berlioz, Hector and Mahler, Gustav and Stražanac, Krešimir and Mields, Dorothee and Herreweghe, Philippe and Ernst, Michael and Schulze, Hans-Joachim and Stoyanova, Krassimira and Prudenskaja, Marina and Castronovo, Charles and Zeppenfeld, Georg and Thielemann, Christian and Ikaia-Purdy, Keith and Davis, Colin and Margiono, Charlotte and Nes, Jard van and Haitink, Bernard and Schreiber, Andreas}, editor = {Stražanac, Krešimir}, editor = {Mields, Dorothee}, editor = {Herreweghe, Philippe}, editor = {Ernst, Michael}, editor = {Schulze, Hans-Joachim}, editor = {Stoyanova, Krassimira}, editor = {Prudenskaja, Marina}, editor = {Castronovo, Charles}, editor = {Zeppenfeld, Georg}, editor = {Thielemann, Christian}, editor = {Ikaia-Purdy, Keith}, editor = {Davis, Colin}, editor = {Margiono, Charlotte}, editor = {Nes, Jard van}, editor = {Haitink, Bernard}, editor = {Bach, Johann Sebastian}, editor = {Bach, Johann Sebastian}, editor = {Bach, Johann Sebastian}, editor = {Bach, Johann Sebastian}, address = {Neuhausen}, publisher = {Profil Medien GmbH}, address = {; Berlin}, publisher = {: Deutschlandfunk Kultur}, address = {}, publisher = {}, year = {2021}, language = {German}, language = {Latin}, note = {"Gedenkkonzert am 12. Februar 2021 in der Semperoper Dresden"}, note = {Die Bonus-CD enthält Mitschnitte aus früheren Gedenkkonzerten zum 13. Februar}, note = {CD-Aufnahmeverfahren: DDD}, note = {Texte der Beihefte: Michael Ernst, Hans-Joachim Schulze}, url = {https://katalog.adlr.link/Record/0-1788413083} }