The King's Singers' madrigal history tour
Italy, England, France, Spain, Germany

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Bibliographic Details
Authors and Corporations: Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo (Other), Farmer, John (Other), Mantovano, Rossino (Other), Arcadelt, Jacob (Other), Verdelot, Philippe (Other), Wert, Giaches de (Other), Dowland, John (Other), Byrd, William (Other), Bartlet, John (Other), Tomkins, Thomas (Other), Rooley, Anthony (Performer), Consort of Musicke (Other), The King's Singers (Other)
published: Hayes, Middlesex EMI Records P 1989
Media Type: Audio

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Physical Description: 1 Compact-Disc; AAD, stereo; 12 cm; Texth
Note: Amor vittorioso
Lirum bililirum
Ilbianco e dolce cigno
La bella Franceschina
Ultimi mei sospiri
Or si rallegri il cielo
Fine knacks for ladies
Who made three, Hob, forsake the plough
Of all the birds that I do know
Too much I once lamented
Fair Phyllis
The silver swan
Now is the month of maying
La guerre
La, la, la, la, je ne l'ose dire
Bon jour, et puis, quelles nouvelles?
Mignonne, allons vior si la rose
Il est bel et bon
Margot labourez les vignes
Un gentil amoureux
La tricotea
Triste estaba el rey David
Cucú, cucú
Tres morillas m'enamoran
Fatal la parte
La bomba
Tanzen und Springen
Vitrum nostrum gloriosum
Ach Elsein
Ach weh das Leiden
Das G' läut zu Speyer
Herzliebstes Bild
Language: Italian, English, French, Spanish, German
Collection: Verbunddaten SWB
Table of Contents
Amor vittorioso \ Gastoldi
Lirum bililirum \ Rossino Mantovano
Ilbianco e dolce cigno
La bella Franceschina
Ultimi mei sospiri \ Verdelot
Or si rallegri il cielo \ Wert
Fine knacks for ladies \ Dowland
Who made three, Hob, forsake the plough \ Byrd
Of all the birds that I do know \ Bartlet
Too much I once lamented \ Tomkins
Fair Phyllis \ Farmer
The silver swan \ Gibbons
Now is the month of maying \ Morley
La guerre \ Janequin & Verdelot
La, la, la, la, je ne l'ose dire \ Certon
Bon jour, et puis, quelles nouvelles? \ Lassus
Mignonne, allons vior si la rose
Il est bel et bon \ Passereau
Margot labourez les vignes \ Arcadelt
Un gentil amoureux \ Le Jeune
La tricotea
Triste estaba el rey David \ Mudarra
Cucú, cucú \ Encina
Tres morillas m'enamoran \ Fernandez
Fatal la parte \ Encina
La bomba \ Flecha
Tanzen und Springen \ Hassler
Vitrum nostrum gloriosum
Ach Elsein \ Senfl
Ach weh das Leiden \ Hassler
Das G' läut zu Speyer \ Senfl
Herzliebstes Bild \ Hofhaimer