Bibliographic Details
Authors and Corporations: Hirschfelder, David (Other), Chopin, Frédéric (Other), Schumann, Robert (Other), Liszt, Franz (Other), Rachmaninov, Sergej Vasilʹevič (Other), Vivaldi, Antonio (Other), Rimskij-Korsakov, Nikolaj (Other), Beethoven, Ludwig van (Other)
published: New York, NY Phillips P 1996
Media Type: Audio

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Physical Description: 1 CD; 12 cm; 1 Beil
Note: With the help of God, shine
The polonaise
Did he win
Will you teach me
Scales to America
Scenes from childhood "Almost too serious"
These people are a disgrace
Raindrop prelude
Your father your family
Tell me a story, Katharine
Back stage
Punished for the rest of your life
Moments of genius
La campalesson
Letters to Katharine
1st movement cadenza from the Rach. 3
Night practice ; Parcel from Katharine
As if there was no tomorrow
The Rach. 3
Complicato in Israel
Raindrop reprise
Bath to Daisy Beryl
Hungarian rhapsody no. 2
Prelude in C# minor
Flight of the bumble bee
Rach. 3. Reborn
Goodnight daddy
A loud bit of Ludwig's 9th
What's the matter, David ; Appassionata
La campanella
Familiar faces; Rach. 3 Encore
Nulla in mundo pax sincera
Language: English
Collection: Verbunddaten SWB
Table of Contents
With the help of God, shine
The polonaise \ Chopin
Did he win
Will you teach me
Scales to America \ Harp ; Mary Doumany
Scenes from childhood "Almost too serious" \ Schumann
These people are a disgrace
Raindrop prelude \ Chopin
Your father your family
Tell me a story, Katharine
Back stage
Punished for the rest of your life
Moments of genius
La campalesson
Letters to Katharine
1st movement cadenza from the Rach. 3 \ Rachmaninoff
Night practice ; Parcel from Katharine \ Rachmaninoff
As if there was no tomorrow
The Rach. 3 \ Rachmaninoff
Complicato in Israel
Raindrop reprise \ Chopin
Bath to Daisy Beryl
Gloria \ Vivaldi
Hungarian rhapsody no. 2 \ Liszt
Prelude in C# minor \ Rachmaninoff
Flight of the bumble bee \ Rimsky-Korsakov
Rach. 3. Reborn \ Rachmaninoff
Goodnight daddy
A loud bit of Ludwig's 9th \ Beethoven
Sospiro \ Liszt
What's the matter, David ; Appassionata \ Beethoven
La campanella \ Liszt
Familiar faces; Rach. 3 Encore \ Rachmaninoff
Nulla in mundo pax sincera \ Vivaldi