Bibliographische Detailangaben
veröffentlicht: Belgrade NVO Peščanik 2005-2009
Frankfurt, Main CEEOL 2005-2009
Teil von: Peščanik FM
Medientyp: Zeitschrift, E-Journal

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Erscheinungsverlauf: 1.2005 - 15.2009[?]
Beschreibung: Gesehen am 27.02.14
Umfang: Online-Ressource
veröffentlicht in: Central and Eastern European online library
Teil von: Peščanik FM
Erscheint auch als: Peščanik FM, Beograd, 2005
Kollektion: Verbunddaten SWB
Lizenzfreie Online-Ressourcen
Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) [Archiv]

Media Production House Peščanik (eng: Hourglass) from Belgrade produces the radio show Pescanik, an hour and a half political-informative programme on weekly basis. The show is broadcasted on Radio B92 since February 2nd 2000, and since 2007 three other radio stations from Serbia broadcast the show after the premiere on B92: radio 021 from Novi Sad, radio Sto Plus from Novi Pazar and OK radio from Vranje. The show consists of an introduction by Svetlana Lukic', interviews and reports. The show is hosted by Svetlana Lukic' and edited by Svetlana Lukic' and Svetlana Vukovic'. Since 2005 the transcripts of Peščanik radio show are being published quarterly in the form of books called Peščanik FM. Since 2007 Peščanik is also an online magazine at with daily circulation of around 6.000 visitors.