Bibliographic Details
Authors and Corporations: Engelbrecht, Dylan (Author)
published: Springer Verlag 2021
Media Type: Book, E-Book

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Physical Description: 252; Paperback; 178 x 254 x 14
ISBN: 9781484274736
Collection: PDA Print VUB
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction Sub-Topics ¿ Why you should care about the contents of this book ¿ Prerequisites & Resources
Chapter 2: The Messenger Pigeon, Packets, and a Trip Around the World Sub-Topics ¿ Introduction to networking ¿ Understanding packets ¿ How packets of data get transported across the world ¿ IPV4 and UDP ¿ The transport layer ¿ The firewall ¿ The importance of keeping your packets small
Chapter 2: A Hall of Mirrors and Apathy Sub-Topics ¿ What is Mirror Networking ¿ Understand where Mirror comes from and why it was created ¿ Learn the limitations of Mirror ¿ Break some of those limitations with Apathy¿ What is Apathy and where to get it? ¿ The client, the server, and the host
Chapter 3: The Chain of Command Sub-Topics: ¿ Game server architecture ¿ Authority ¿ Understanding the chain of command ¿ Remote Procedure Calls (RPC's) ¿ Commands ¿ Syncvars ¿ Syncvar Hooks ¿ Mirror Events ¿ Creating our first multiplayer game
Chapter 4: Memory of a Goldfish Sub-Topics: ¿ What are database engines? ¿ Relational vs non-relational databases ¿ A few popular relational database engines with their pros and cons ¿ A few popular non-relational database engines with their pros and cons ¿ Designing the database ¿ Connecting to the database from your game server ¿ Storing information ¿ Retrieving information ¿ Serving information to your players
Chapter 5: Scaling Up, A Lot Sub-Topics: ¿ The cloud ¿ AWS ¿ Google Cloud ¿ Azure ¿ Unity Multiplay ¿ Hosting your databases ¿ Understanding the bottleneck ¿ How Apex Legends created the perfect launch ¿ Stress testing and stress clients ¿ Things to consider, like security
Chapter 6: Insights From the Masters Sub-Topics: ¿ 10 Mini-stories and interviews of game developers
Chapter 7: Challenge What You Know Sub-Topics: ¿ 2 beginner multiplayer challenges ¿ 2 intermediate multiplayer challenges with user data persistence ¿ 1 advanced multiplayer challenge with user and world data persistence
Chapter 8: Conclusion Sub-Topics: ¿ Next steps for the reader ¿ Best wishes and thanks