Ibero-American observatories in the sectors of information, communication and cultur...

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Titel: Ibero-American observatories in the sectors of information, communication and culture: a brief history
Beteiligte: Albornoz, Luis A., Herschmann, Micael
In: Media, Culture & Society, 30, 2008, 5, S. 723-734
Medientyp: Artikel, E-Artikel

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Umfang: 723-734
ISSN: 0163-4437
DOI: 10.1177/0163443708094017
veröffentlicht in: Media, Culture & Society
Sprache: Englisch
Kollektion: SAGE Publications (CrossRef)

<jats:p> This commentary provides an overview of the recent phenomenon of Ibero-American observatories which work on issues related to information, communication and culture. It also shows the results of some research under way which seeks to analyse the diversity of 61 observatories regarding their geographical location, key research themes and area of operations. </jats:p>