Bibliographic Details
Authors and Corporations: Ionescu, Luminiţa
In: Analele Universităţii Spiru Haret. Seria Jurnalism [Annals of Spiru Haret University. Journalism Studies], 17, 2016, 1, p. 5-12
Editura Fundaţiei România de Mâine
România de Mâine Publishing House
Media Type: Article, E-Article

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ISSN: 1454-9492

published in: Analele Universităţii Spiru Haret. Seria Jurnalism [Annals of Spiru Haret University. Journalism Studies]
Language: English
Collection: CEEOL Central and Eastern European Online Library
Table of Contents

Bureaucracy is a complex and dynamic phenomenon with different consequences over the local and central administration. The European Union enlargement has led to an increased complexity of the bureaucratic structures, rules and regulations. Despite the fact that bureaucracy is the most effective way to run a government, modern bureaucracies interfaces are often related to time and size. The European bureaucracy is related to the slow process of implementing for new regulations, numerous documents and the complexity of forms. In the last decades, bureaucracy has become one of the causes of corruption and fraud.