Prasa szkolna w procesie edukacji regionalnej i międzykulturowej obszaru pogranicza (studium przypad...

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Titel: Prasa szkolna w procesie edukacji regionalnej i międzykulturowej obszaru pogranicza (studium przypadków województwa zachodniopomorskiego) [School press in the process of regional and intercultural education in the border areas (case study of West Pomeranian region)]
Beteiligte: Olechowska, Paulina
In: Biuletyn Edukacji Medialnej [Media Education Bulletin], 2015, 1, S. 69-81
Medientyp: Artikel, E-Artikel

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ISSN: 1733-0297
veröffentlicht in: Biuletyn Edukacji Medialnej [Media Education Bulletin]
Sprache: Polnisch
Kollektion: CEEOL Central and Eastern European Online Library

In modern research on the role of media in regional and intercultural education,school press was ignored. Although the school press is not formally the partof the media system, has in Poland long tradition, and is also very interesting elementof social communication, particularly in the local/environmental dimension.The aim of this article is to highlight the needed to use the press as an effectiveteatching and educational methods in the process of regional and interculturaleducation.