Teleewangelia. Nowy paradygmat komunikacji religijnej [Telegospel. The new paradigm of religious com...

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Bibliographic Details
Title: Teleewangelia. Nowy paradygmat komunikacji religijnej [Telegospel. The new paradigm of religious communication];
Authors and Corporations: Marcynski, Krzysztof
In: Biuletyn Edukacji Medialnej [Media Education Bulletin], 2015, 2, p. 11-27
Media Type: Article, E-Article

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ISSN: 1733-0297

published in: Biuletyn Edukacji Medialnej [Media Education Bulletin]
Language: Polish
Collection: CEEOL Central and Eastern European Online Library
Table of Contents

In this article, an author has undertaken the research in order to answer the following questions: Is television an adequete and good tool for the transmission of the Gospel? How should be assessed its usefulness in the religion communication? The specific objectives can be presented in the following issues: Is the TV faithfully communicates the meaning and value of the Gospel? In what way TV spreads and interprets the Gospel? Since some of these questions are broad, the authors focused on a specific example, showing how the message of the Gospel is transmitted on television. Therefore for the analysis was selected the program aired on Polish public television (TVP 2) named “The Word on Sunday.” An intermediate goal of this research and subject matter is also to initiate and continue the discussion among the scholars of the science of media and social communication and also of the media theology on the subject of television and its capabilities, or their shortcomings in the transmission of faith.