W stronę personalizmu i teatralizacji sztuki, w poszukiwaniu sacrum [To the personalism and theatric...

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Bibliographic Details
Title: W stronę personalizmu i teatralizacji sztuki, w poszukiwaniu sacrum [To the personalism and theatricality of art, looking for sacrum];
Authors and Corporations: Dorna, Małgorzata
In: Biuletyn Edukacji Medialnej [Media Education Bulletin], 2016, 2, p. 130-149
Media Type: Article, E-Article

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ISSN: 1733-0297

published in: Biuletyn Edukacji Medialnej [Media Education Bulletin]
Language: Polish
Collection: CEEOL Central and Eastern European Online Library
Table of Contents

The purpose of this essay is to show the borderland of philosophy, literature and art, especially the theatre in relation to the idea of Personalism. Author is convinced that the idea of Personalism, created by Polish famous philosopher, thinker and writer Fr. Joseph Tischner is the one of the most significant ways of understanding the phenomena of art as the medium of interpersonal communication. To describe this special attitude to art, shown in context of meeting and communication with other person, the hero of (metaphorically and literally understood) drama – some special “tools” are needed. It is why the explanation of the main notion, which is “theatricality” is so important and so useful. Because of this the author of the text indicates different interpretations of the notion of theatricality, important not only for anthropologists of theater and art critics. It also seems to be obvious that the contemporary man treats life as a performance on the stage, and in consequence - the other man as the hero of drama. However, without the search for beauty and God, without seeking the good, understood as an ethical value - there is not any chance for meeting the other person, seen through the prism of Personalism. What is more, the contemporary art, being in conflict with the human eternal value system – shows the human being as the lonely creature, internally torn and finally lost. Thus the only opportunity for modern theater and art - becomes a return to humanistic values, represented by Personalism, ethics and Christian philosophy.