Mieszkańcy romskich koczowisk w Polsce. Historia i projekty artystyczne [Residents of Roma Camps in...

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Titel: Mieszkańcy romskich koczowisk w Polsce. Historia i projekty artystyczne [Residents of Roma Camps in Poland. History and Art Projects];
Beteiligte: Czarnota, Katarzyna, Kledzik, Emilia
In: Czas Kultury [Time of Culture], 32, 2016, 04, S. 10-21
Stowarzyszenie Czasu Kultury
Time of Culture
Medientyp: Artikel, E-Artikel

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ISSN: 0867-2148

veröffentlicht in: Czas Kultury [Time of Culture]
Sprache: Polnisch
Kollektion: CEEOL Central and Eastern European Online Library

The text presents a summary history of Romanian Roma camps in Poland, starting from the first wave of migration in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The authors discuss the changing social and legal circumstances their residents have faced since that time. They cite studies on their Romas’ subjective feelings associated with their stay in Poland and their expectations in relation to the majority society. The second part of the article presents critical art projects dealing with the Roma living in camps in Poland, presented these against the background of similar phenomena in European art. Questions are posed about the initiatives of Katarzyna Roj, Joanna Synowiec, Aleksandra Kubak, Adam Lach and Agnieszka Zwiefka concerning the problem of the “aesthetization of poverty” and the appropriation of the voice of the subaltern.