Internal marketing as a new alternative for the service employees' performance: An empirical st...

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Bibliographic Details
Title: Internal marketing as a new alternative for the service employees' performance: An empirical study;
Authors and Corporations: Gam, Abdelkader, Bellaouaied, Myriam
In: Revista de Comunicare si Marketing [Comunications and Marketing Journal], 2011, 2, p. 139-160
Editura Fundaţia Andrei Saguna
Andrei Saguna Foundation Publishing House
Media Type: Article, E-Article

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ISSN: 2069-0304

published in: Revista de Comunicare si Marketing [Comunications and Marketing Journal]
Language: English
Collection: CEEOL Central and Eastern European Online Library
Table of Contents

The increasing importance of relational marketing in the service sector as underlined by several authors and particularly by Berry (1983) culminates in a new marketing orientation toward internal marketing, even suggesting a significant impact of the latter on service quality perception. Several scholars argued that consumers attitude toward front-desk personnel often determines their attitude toward the service encounter as a whole (Berry and Parasuranam A., 1991), which evoke an evident role of employee’s customer orientation. This paper argues and then produces empirical evidence that customer orientation has a mediating effect between internal marketing and service quality perception based on a sample 116 banking customer advisors and 3 client of each (348 client). To do so, an internal marketing performance measurement scale has been established according to Churchill’s paradigm. Two dimensions were found significantly reliable and valid: gratitude-Empathy and Integration-support. And only the first one was found to have a significant impact on customer orientation.