Rememorări necesare: Sibiu, 12 iulie 1923. Comemorarea semicentenarului morţii mitropolitului Andrei...

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Bibliographic Details
Title: Rememorări necesare: Sibiu, 12 iulie 1923. Comemorarea semicentenarului morţii mitropolitului Andrei Șaguna [Necessary rekekbrajces Sibiu, July 12th, 1923. The Commemoration of fiftieth anniversary of the Orthodox Archibishop Andrei Saguna's death];
Authors and Corporations: Bîlbîie, Răduţ Marian
In: Revista de Comunicare si Marketing [Comunications and Marketing Journal], 2011, 2, p. 35-62
Editura Fundaţia Andrei Saguna
Andrei Saguna Foundation Publishing House
Media Type: Article, E-Article

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ISSN: 2069-0304

published in: Revista de Comunicare si Marketing [Comunications and Marketing Journal]
Language: Romanian
Collection: CEEOL Central and Eastern European Online Library
Table of Contents

Monitorul Oficial, a publication with a prestigious history, has hosted within its pages, in the section Unofficial Part, written by the Royal Court’s Marshal, reviews of the current activities of the members of the Royal House of Romania. One of the records concerns the commemoration of the death of Andrei Saguna, the bishop and the celebration of 50 year jubilee of the Special Cavalry School of Sibiu, with the participation of the King and Queen, accompanied by members of the Royal House and other political and cultural personalities.