Bibliographische Detailangaben
Beteiligte: Gunner, Jeanne
In: Journal of Basic Writing, 17, 1998, 2, S. 25-42
City University of New York
Medientyp: Artikel, E-Artikel

Nicht angemeldet

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Umfang: 25-42
ISSN: 0147-1635
veröffentlicht in: Journal of Basic Writing
Sprache: Englisch
Kollektion: sid-55-col-jstoras14
JSTOR Arts & Sciences XIV Archive

<p>The "legacy" of Mina Shaughnessy takes the form of a particular discourse that has, unni recently, directed the means of discussion of basic writing issues. This discourse is characterized by two prominent functions: it routinely returns to the Shaughnessy icon constructed since her death (a concept supported by Foucault's notion of the author function), and it treats the teacher-figure as an idealized embodiment of "authentic" knowledge and democratic feeling. Two debates within the Basic Writing community -the reaction against Min Zhan Lu's early theoretical work and the more recent acrimonious response to Ira Shor's defense of mainstreaming — reflect contending paradigms of the basic writing field, with "critical" discourse challenging the conventions and so authority of the Shaughnessy-based "iconic" discourse.</p>