Bibliographic Details
Authors and Corporations: Langkjær, Birger (Author)
published: Aarhus 2011
Part of: , Erschienen in: MedieKultur, volume 27 / 2011, number 51, pp. 40 - 54. [ISSN: 1901-9726]
Media Type: Article, E-Article

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Item Description: freier Zugang
Physical Description: 15 p.
Language: English
Part of: , Erschienen in: MedieKultur, volume 27 / 2011, number 51, pp. 40 - 54. [ISSN: 1901-9726]
Collection: Datenbank Internetquellen
Table of Contents

"The concept of realism may owe much of its success to its vague definition. This article suggests that it can be useful as a term that covers a central, mainstream film practice in European and other national cinemas, located somewhere in between genre films and art films. The concept refers to a serious kind of film that does not obey classical genre rules, but nevertheless tells its stories in an accessible and often engaging form that, generally speaking, creates a more popular (yet serious) film than the art film. As a film practice, it cuts across well known but often vaguely defined sub-categories, such as social realism and psychological realism. Finally, it is argued that the dichotomy between Hollywood genre films and European art cinema ignores both national variants of basic genres and a tradition of realism as a mainstream film practice." [Information des Anbieters]

Introduction; Genre films and other kinds of films; Ways to understand realism; Three kinds of film practices: genre films, art films and realism; Realism as a film practice; Social realism: the structural anatgonist; Psychological realism: the inner antagonist; In conclusion